Author Archives: Chris Wild

Of June Bugs and May Beetles

The tap-tap-tap­ping on the win­dow was keep­ing me awake. Most chil­dren that I know would be a little scared by this con­stant noise on their bed­room win­dow, but not me. One thing that I have learned in my rather short time is that, on the whole, and gen­er­ally without excep­tion, there is always an explanation […]

The Dreams of Annabelle Cloud

The girl in the pic­ture said that her name was Kayleigh, but I knew she was lying. So, I called her Dilly Dilly after the song, Lav­ender blue dilly dilly, Lav­ender green. She didn’t like that. Whenev­er she was get­ting on my nerves, I would just say, “Yes, Dilly Dilly,” and she would stop getting […]

Dancing Like She Meant It

Dan­cing Like She Meant It I was gaz­ing aim­lessly out the win­dow, pay­ing little atten­tion to the mul­ti­tude of things passing by me, A young girl in the street was dan­cing like she meant it, I was just star­ing right through her, I was think­ing of oth­er things. I was driv­ing along the motor­way, singing to the tunes […]

The Dreams of Annabelle Cloud

The morn­ings after were always the hard­est. The more Anna­belle trav­elled dur­ing her nights, the harder it became to wake up to the real­ity of the world. And the real­ity of that world was mundane. Her nights were filled with excite­ment and won­der, the strangest moments, fas­cin­at­ing people, fear, love, beauty. Her days were a […]

Lily Wood Trail

In my dreams I nev­er reach the gate. It sits alone at the end of a wind­ing trail through dense over-hanging trees. It can barely hold itself up against its sup­port­ing posts. The wood is rot­ten, the nails rusty and brittle. The hinge that holds the gate to the posts is almost let­ting go of […]


The cable con­nec­ted dir­ectly to a small cir­cu­lar port at the base of the neck, a quick turn, a sharp pain, and it locked into place. [WKUP] Wake up ini­ti­ated [ACK] Request for hand­shake acknow­ledged. Hand­shake star­ted. New Organ­ic Hard­ware Found. Ini­tial­ise Ref­er­ence Driver v0.91 Beta. Com­pat­ible Pro­tocol Request Ini­ti­ated / Pro­tocol v.HICP42 agreed. Nego­ti­at­ing baud […]

June 10th

June 10th, 25 years ago, I got dumped by my then girl­friend. It was a trau­mat­ic time for me, so much so that I found out later that my par­ents had me on sui­cide watch. Not that that was some­thing that was on my mind. But I know that I became moody, I did after […]

Between the posts

Well, as usu­al with my writ­ing, updates are few and far between. I’ve spent a little time work­ing on my Antho­logy of shorts. Prin­ted out the manu­script the oth­er day so that I could find the time to edit it away from the com­puter. 250 pages! So hope­fully I will get some edits done and […]

The Lemon Tree

Aunty Dor­is had a lem­on tree. She didn’t live in Limone on Lake Garda, where the lem­ons grow in abund­ance in the rich fer­tile soil. Nor did she live in Sorento where the Ponderosa’s grow to the size of a small bowl­ing ball. None of those places where the sun shines in per­fectly blue cloud­less skies […]

New Year

I’ve been work­ing on a new short story for the flash fic­tion web­site Litra­naut. Actu­ally I star­ted it in Decem­ber. It took me ages to come up with a story idea, but as soon as did, the story flowed very quickly. So much so that actu­ally it will prob­ably become a much big­ger piece in […]